So firstly what is Fracking? it’s actually Hydraulic fracturing (“frac’ing” or “fracking”) is a process in which water (mixed with sand and chemicals) is injected at high pressure into a wellbore (hole drilled for the purpose of exploration or extraction of natural resources / Shale Gas in the UK) to create small fractures (less than 1mm), gas escapes into the well (what the whole process is for). Hydraulic pressure is removed, and then small grains of sand hold the fractures open and remain where the gas was – or this is how i understand it
So now we have found a clean fuel (at last) what is the problem and why are people demonstrating? Please remember this is my opinion but from what I see, Fracking is good for everyone, right?
Economic benefits
Shale gas development will create tens of thousands of jobs, reduce imports, generate significant tax revenue and support British manufacturing all as well as producing a clean fuel and saving the environment.
A report produced by the IoD’s looked at the number of jobs that shale gas production could potentially create and investigated the knock on effects. Investment could peak at £3.7 billion a year, supporting 74,000 jobs – not just for geologists and drilling specialists, but for construction workers, truck drivers, cement manufacturers, water treatment experts, and people working in local retail and service industries.
The Department for Energy and Climate Change expects overall gas demand, to remain roughly flat over the next two decades. This is consistent with carbon reduction of 45% by 2025. But 76% of the UK’s gas is likely to be imported by 2030, costing £15.6 billion. Shale gas production could reduce gas imports to 37% in 2030, and the cost of imports could fall to £7.5 billion
Environmental benefits
According to the Committee on Climate Change, if production is well regulated, shale gas can have lower emissions than imported gas.
If shale gas supports the production of chemicals and other goods in the UK, global emissions will also be lower, as UK industry is very energy-efficient.
Natural gas has great potential as a transport fuel too, particularly for lorries and buses. In the US, 19% of municipal buses run on natural gas.
Now we have all seen the news with people demonstrating, saying how bad this all is – would you rather have this next to your home or a traditional Coal Fired Power Station or a Nuclear Power Station?
People who live in the area, think fracking is terrible but is this because they really feel it’s the root of all evil or do they really feel it’s not good for selfish reasons (house prices possible drop and the noise created)
What other options do we have for power (clean energy options) – Tidal, Solar or wind etc – are these really viable options?
In my opinion the plus points for Fracking are far greater than the bad – but please do your own research and make up your own mind. Here is a link to get you started