If you are looking for a new job, then the time you choose to tell your current employers is quite sensitive. Of course you need to give them a fair amount of notice and ensure that they know your plans, but you also want to make sure you have a solid plan in place before you tell them you are going to jump ship.
Many of us go through the same process when it comes to searching for jobs, which means that there are many tell-tale signs to look out for. If you don’t want your boss to know you are looking for new jobs then you need to disguise them as much as possible. Of course, as a team manager it can also be handy to know to look out for these things!
Dressing Differently
It is all well and good timing job interviews around your current shifts, but if this means that you need to dress up while at work then people are going to notice. For example if you usually wear jeans on a Friday but come in top to toe in a suit and smart shoes people are going to wonder why. If this can’t be avoided then make sure you already have a viable excuse to give them. A trip to see your bank manager after work or something along those lines could work well. Where possible, change somewhere after work just so that no one gets suspicious.
You Get More Calls
It’s really hard to time all work related calls to outside work hours, so the chances are that you’re going to get a few more personal calls. Try where you can to time these to periods you are out of the office – IE if you can get out at lunch time or you’re on your way to a meeting and have time to take/make a call. Most potential employers will recognise your need to be discrete and will try to be as flexible as possible with you.
Your Working Hours Change
If you are someone that usually stays after their shift has finished but you suddenly start rushing out the door at 5pm because you have an interview then people are going to notice. The same goes for if you have lost motivation for the job and just don’t feel that you ‘want’ to stay longer than you need to. There is nothing wrong with this but try not make it a gradual process if you can, so it has less of an impact and therefore people are less likely to say something.
Your Social Media Changes
Social media websites such as LinkedIn are fantastic for making new connections and seeking out exciting work opportunities. However if you have current work related people on there then be careful. If you suddenly have an increase in the amount of industry related friends and they can see that you are making lots of new connections then they might get suspicious as to why this is the case.
Of course you have every right to look for a new job and most people will be supportive of this. You just need to make sure that the whole process is managed and handled as smoothly as possible – even if only to make life easy for yourself!