When you’re preparing for an interview, one of the questions you should make sure you prepare yourself for is ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years time?’. It is a pretty pointless question, because the truth is that none of us knows! However, just because you think it is a pointless question that doesn’t mean you can decline to answer, not if you want any chance of landing the job anyway! Instead you need to have a decent answer prepared and make sure it is one that is going to impress them.
Prepare Yourself
The truth is that you probably will be asked where you see yourself in the future. The truth is that they’re going to be expecting an answer. They probably accept that it is a question that is difficult to answer, but they’re going to want to see how you handle it.
Whatever you decide your answer is, you need to answer positively and enthusiastically. They’re going to be looking more for how you answer it than what your answer actually is. They want proof that you have thought about it and are at least considering the future. They want to know you have long term goals and have no problem thinking about the future. The chances are that they are going to want you to think in advance for their company so they want proof that you are able and are happy to do this.
How To Answer
It can be had to know what to answer, because the truth is that none of us know our future. Try to think of the question being where would you LIKE to be in 5 years time. People think that the answer is always “doing well within your company” but you can think outside of the box and answer a little differently. For example is there a hobby that you would like to do more of, or would you like to own your own home by then?
Anything that shows you have given thought to it and are willing to work towards something in the future that is great. Although perhaps ‘Being 3 years into a 5 year around the world travel trip’ might not be the most sensible answer you can give. Be sensible and realistic, there has to be an element of telling them what they want to hear too!
Why Do They Ask It?
It can be frustrating to answer the question, because it feels pointless to give an answer. Not only that, but you often know that the person asking knows it is pointless too. The truth is that it is a question that has always been asked and therefore it is seen as a standard interview question. Rather than give too much thought into why this is, you should just resign yourself to the fact that it has to be answered and that it is something you just have to get on with.