When you’re looking for a job it stands to reason that you’re going to want everything to run as smoothly as possible. Whilst lots of people talk about the things you should do, but there are also lots of things you should make sure you shouldn’t. You want to land a job as soon as possible, so make sure you don’t fall into the same traps as many other job seekers.
Being Unorganised
Without a doubt being organised is the key to successful job hunting. You need to make sure you plan out your hunt for a new job and know what you stand at every stage. This means knowing the type of job you want and keeping track of the places you have applied to. You should also make sure that your CV is up to date, you have contact details where you are easily reachable and keep the contact details of others on hand so you can create a network of contacts.
Wanting Your Cake and Eating It
You need to make sure that you have boundaries and know what you want. It is easy to assume that applying for as many different jobs as possible is the way forward but this can show you as flaky and not committed. Instead apply for jobs you really want and leave the rest – after all, you can really only work one job at a time.
Underselling Yourself
When you’re applying for jobs you need to make sure that people know why they should be hiring you. Don’t forget the things that you have achieved so far and make sure that you showcase these in the possible way. Your potential employers aren’t going to know about all the good things you have done in the past, so you need to make sure you tell them all about it.
Forgetting The WOW Factor
We all know that first impressions count, so it is important that you create a good one. When you’re attending a job interview you need to give off the WOW factor and ensure that they have every good reason to hire you. Dress well for an interview to make sure that when they first catch glimpse of you they like what they say. You have the rest of the interview to dazzle but it really is the first impression that counts.
Not Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse
Job searching can be tough, especially when you consider how many people you are fighting against for each position. The worst thing you can do is assume that the odd search for a new job here and now is enough. If you’re serious about finding a new job then you need to keep an eye on job searches and even set up alerts so you can be told when a new job comes up. This means that you’re always ahead of the competition and this is the best way to make sure that you land your dream job.