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Women in engineering – is this the answer?

Women in engineering – is this the answer?

There has been a lot of recent chatter about the recruitment of women engineers; is this the answer to the shortage? It is a fact that the UK has Europe’s lowest percentage of female engineers. Not only is this an

A guide to motivating your employees

A guide to motivating your employees

Knowledge is power, isn’t that what they all say? And some knowledge is incredibly powerful; knowing how to effectively motivate an employee, for example, improves relationships and morale across your organisation and increases productivity into the bargain. So how do

How To Land Your Dream Job

How To Land Your Dream Job

How to land your dream job is probably the question on the lips of every single job seeker out there. In fact there are many people stuck in jobs that they dislike asking themselves the very same question. Landing your

How to explain a gap in your CV

How to explain a gap in your CV

There is one interview question that strikes fear into the heart of even the most experienced candidate: why is there a gap in your CV? No matter who you are, the thought of answering that question is enough to get

Great Candidate Negotiation Tools Other Than Salary

Great Candidate Negotiation Tools Other Than Salary

  As someone that is hiring new people, it can be frustrating when you come across the perfect candidate but you can’t seem to tempt them in with the right salary. Many people assume that salary is the main benefit

Fracking – is it really that bad?

Fracking – is it really that bad?

So firstly what is Fracking? it’s actually Hydraulic fracturing (“frac’ing” or “fracking”) is a process in which water (mixed with sand and chemicals) is injected at high pressure into a wellbore (hole drilled for the purpose of exploration or extraction of natural resources /

Finding a job – Top 5 Tips to help you get going

Finding a job – Top 5 Tips to help you get going

  Finding a new job is daunting process, too many companies think they are interviewing you but the real truth is – you are interviewing them. Moving jobs is a life changing decision, a decision not to be taken lightly,

How to add 8-figures to your business

How to add 8-figures to your business

One of our founding principles is to help businesses achieve their growth by allowing them to understand some of the fundamental issues around achieving their goals. We put this report together which will give you a brief insight into the

Win the war on the engineering shortage

Win the war on the engineering shortage

Due to increased demand across all technical sectors, the engineering industry must recruit 1,200,000 new, skilled workers before 2020 (Royal academy of engineering predict) Even after one of the worst recessions in history, which saw demand slow significantly around 2008,

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