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What To Look For When Hiring (The Best) Potential Employees

What To Look For When Hiring (The Best) Potential Employees

  If you are in charge of recruitment for a company, then it stands to reason you are going to want to get thee decision right. Often recruiting for a vacancy is quite costly so it’s not an experience you’ll

How Your Boss Can Tell You are About to Quit

How Your Boss Can Tell You are About to Quit

  If you are looking for a new job, then the time you choose to tell your current employers is quite sensitive. Of course you need to give them a fair amount of notice and ensure that they know your

Lying on your CV – why it’s never a good idea

Lying on your CV – why it’s never a good idea

At Charles Francis Cooper, we have experienced first-hand what happens when people lie on their CV. Most jobseekers will have been tempted to do it at one time or another, but in our experience it’s never a good idea –

How To Steal The Job at the Interview

How To Steal The Job at the Interview

  If you have been invited to a job interview then it makes sense you are going to want to make sure you have the best possible chance of success. We all know that the job market is tough and

Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

From a young age ‘quitters never win’ is a mantra that is drummed into many of us – which can make life tough sometimes! We’re taught that we shouldn’t give up easily on tasks which could be a good indication

The Pain of Recruiting – We Have The Answer

The Pain of Recruiting – We Have The Answer

  If you have ever tried to find the right person for a job position then you will know how much of a nightmare it can be. One of the biggest problems is that the job market is so quiet.

The Power of Two Words When Interviewing

The Power of Two Words When Interviewing

It is no big shocker to anyone that the job market is tough and that in order to secure yourself a job position you need to stay ahead of the competition. The problem is that over recent years the number

Simple Steps to the Perfect Job Interview

Simple Steps to the Perfect Job Interview

Most people can empathise with the fact that job interviews are nerve-wracking. In fact the people who are interviewing you will even make a little bit of an allowance for the fact that you are nervous. However, what you don’t

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Time?

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years Time?

When you’re preparing for an interview, one of the questions you should make sure you prepare yourself for is ‘where do you see yourself in 5 years time?’. It is a pretty pointless question, because the truth is that none

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